Imam Khomeini (Hafen)
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Grain ships stranded outside of Bandar Iman Khomeini diverted to new destinations
Grain ships stranded outside Iran’s main food cargo terminal due to western sanctions have been diverted to new destinations with no backlog left, trade sources said on Tuesday. In late January as much as 400,000 tonnes of grain were being held up on 10 vessels mainly outside Bandar Imam Khomeini, one of Iran’s largest grain terminals, as EU sanctions froze the assets of Iran’s central banks and held up payments for consignments, causing a trade finance squeeze. Trader sources had said by the middle of February there were around three vessels left as cargoes were diverted to new buyers. Ships at the time had been held up for as long as three weeks. AIS ship tracking data on Reuters showed there was only one cargo vessel in the line up headed for the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr.
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